Days like today, I sit in my gym and remember when this was a part time gig.
And before that it was a virtual gig.
And before that it was just a dream.
And before that it was just me having lifted weights and helping people along the way.
And before that… I was just a *really* skinny kid who wanted to put on more muscle.
It’s easy to forget or lose sight of where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.
Because change doesn’t happen overnight.
Real, lasting, sustainable change happens incrementally over time through consistent and intentional effort and choices, no matter how small.
And just like with all those previous stages, I wake up and worry and stress over how well I’m doing or if this can last, knowing full well I’ll look back from whatever the future holds and laugh at the fact that I should have known then what my choices would add up to.
That I put in the work and the hours, and that I was always doing more than I thought I was.
If that sounds like an analogy, it is.
That IS what fitness is: a choice to embark on a journey towards a better you, with smaller short term payoffs adding up to a MUCH grander later payoff.
It doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t require leaps and bounds. And all it really requires is your honest and sincere effort… and some patience.
I would never have stuck with fitness like this if it was just about the muscles. It’s what it’s taught me about myself and the world at large, and the ability to pass that onto others that has kept me engaged.
I want to pass that onto you. Come train with me and grow.