"You can gripe, you can groan, you can complain... as long as you do it."
I often get looks for this one, but let me elaborate:
--I said what I said.
--Clearly this shouldn't break rules one through three.
--Any rule I use in the gym is a rule I practice myself or started off by me telling myself.
So... all I mean when I say this is that NONE of us likes every single workout, every single exercise, or every single set and rep.
But, if it's not hurting you, and it just sucks... remember why you're doing it.
You want that fat gone? Suck it up, buttercup.
You want that muscle mass? Complain while you gain.
You want to set an example for your children and live longer? Grin and go again.
All humor aside, motivation is fleeting. It gets you going, and it can carry you through SOME of the tough parts, the sucky parts, the parts you don't like. But to keep going, to keep getting back up and coming to the gym to hit your goals, you have to remember two things: WHY you're doing this... and that no growth was ever accomplished in your comfort zone.
Comfort zones are for going back to when you're done with your day, your workout, your work day.
But if it was always comfortable and everyone liked it, more people would do it.
We (you) are reprogramming your central nervous system, tearing down and rebuilding muscles, burning fat, conditioning your respiratory system.
The bad news? This can either be kinda "not fun" or really "not fun."
The GOOD news? You only have to do it for 30-60 minutes at a time, a couple times a week... and when you look back even a month from now, that hard workout will feel like an easy workout, and the state you were in before you first started will seem like a distant memory.
So, I don't discourage griping, groaning, or complaining. It means you're doing the work, it's my job to keep you doing the work even during these times, and why take away a tool that's helping you accomplish it? If griping at me or the weights helps you keep going... fire away.